The risk of exposure to Covid-19 and transmission in New Zealand remains real, so we all must continue to be vigilant. By following public health practices, The Taranaki Arts Festival Trust supports New Zealand's efforts to minimise the impact of the virus on our community.
We are complying with the Events Sector Voluntary Code, which outlines what events managers can do to safely deliver events by following best practice expectations, which are based on Ministry of Health guidance to reduce Covid-19 related risks.
At Alert Level 1, there are no physical distancing requirements or limits on the number of people who can attend social gatherings or events. Under all Alert Levels, our event sites are required to display the official NZ COVID Tracer QR code posters in a prominent place at or near the main entrances to each of their premises. We encourage you to support us and continue to keep track of your movements and to scan into each of our event sites.
To ensure the health and wellbeing of all the festival visitors we ask that you download the NZ COVID Tracer app, keep a record of your movements, practise good hygiene and stay home if you feel unwell.